Submission Form

Want to be part of the next WSC GenZ edition? Submissions are open now.

Fill in the form below with all the information required and we’ll get back to you with all the details on the upcoming edition. There are some rules to take in consideration, which you can find here. But the main rules are:

  • 1 player per country
  • Songs released between January 1, 2020 up to present day are allowed.
  • No covers/no songs from national finals/Eurovision entries are allowed
  • Mini states please check the rules as there are conditions in regards to the language you are able to submit for the country.

Please also check the list of countries as it gives an overview on what’s available and not. If you’re not sure, please get in touch. Players who took part in the previous edition have first choice on whether they want to continue playing for the country they’ve currently chosen.

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