WSC31: Aigel for Russia

Aigel (Russian: Аигел) is a Russian electronic hip-hop duo, consisting of singer – songwriter Aigel Gaisina, from the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in Russia’s Republic of Tatarstan, and Ilya Baramiya, an electronic musician from Saint Petersburg. The duo creates and performs in Russian, Tatar, and English languages.

The band’s debut album, “1190,” was released in 2017, addressing issues of judgment and the prison system in Russia. The album received significant attention in Russia. In the same year AIGEL performed on the late-night show “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, Russia’s main TV channel. The song “Tatarin” from this album went viral, with its music video garnering over 118 million views on YouTube and receiving the Berlin Music Awards.

In autumn 2023, the band’s song “Piyala” written in tatar language reached the top spot on the global Shazam chart, as well as 1-st places on the Apple Music and Spotify top-100 charts in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. It also ranked 11th in the Billboard TikTok top-100. The music video for “Piyala” reached 40 million views within 4 months.

From 2017 to 2024, the band produced over 30 music releases, including 5 longplays, and dropped 11 music videos, 8 of which amassed over a million views and 2 of which went viral. AIGEL performs in Europe and Asia and participates in music festivals such as Exit Festival (Serbia), Pohoda Festival (Slovakia), Tallinn Music Week, and Red Square Festival (Berlin) etc.

The song “Piyala” (Пыяла / Glass) was originally released in 2020, but the real success came in 2023, as the song was included on the soundtrack of the hit new TV show “Slovo Patsana: Krov na asfalte” (The Boy’s Word: Blood on the Asphalt). The show, about teenagers struggle in the criminal world of Soviet Tatarstan just before the collapse of the USSR, premiered in Russia in November 2023. “Piyala” is often used to accompany the most intense moments of the series. The success of “Piyala” marks the first time in history that a song in Tatar — a Turkic language spoken by Russia’s largest non-Slavic indigenous community — has topped all Russian music charts and platforms.


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